Monday, May 28, 2007

Kitchen Tips: Cook's Essentials

Do you ever wonder what gizmo's and gadgets you REALLY need?!? I often do. . .

Here are the simple things that I feel every kitchen should have.
1. Bamboo Wooden Spoons (used in daily cooking for me)

It seems like that with every set of cookware, you're limited on what utensils you can use to cook with in them. I personally have a set of silicone, a set of plastic, a set of bamboo, and a set of stainless steel utensils. . . . Which do I use most everyday? -- The wooden. . . Here's why.

  • Stainless steel is preferred plastic or silicone (because stainless steel utensils will scratch the finish).
  • Cast Iron - Preferred Stainless Steel because silicone based utensils are sometimes too flimsy and plastic utensils will melt. (Some solid stainless steel utensils get hot and transfer heat to your hand).
  • Non-stick - Plastic utensils preferred so you don't scratch off the non-stick surface.
Silicone utensils have come a long way but to me are still a bit pricey and some pieces are definitely worth it. But my preference that is versatile for EVERY piece of cookware I have is wood ~ They are timeless and don't scratch unless you are intentionally trying to scratch something (but even with that - you better bring your elbow grease). . . They're stout, durable, very difficult to stain, will never melt, very slow to transfer heat to your hand, and are safe for ALL cookware!

When I really thought about it, wooden spoons are really the most ancient stirring method. Honestly, people have been stirring stuff with sticks for millenniums. Even when I was a young child, I use to play in the mud with a stick and "pretend" to stir something and cook. Its funny, but even as an adult, I still prefer wood over the new things coming out when it comes to everyday cooking.

2. The Spoonula (used in baking for me)


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